Benefits of EMDR

First of all what is EMDR? Eye Movement Desynthesization and Reprocessing.

So it all started long long time ago but good news it’s all evidence based and science backed - how it really works is still a mystery to us all, but there are many theories so we can talk about that another day -

I got certified in EMDR from the Institute of Creative Mindfullness where I learned how to be the BEST EMDR trained therapist ever. Just kidding, but it was really an amazing experience and tailored towards dissociative disorders so I feel they (me/we) all did a great job taking in that content and applying it within our work. During my internship, all of my clients benefited dramatically once they started their EMDR journey.

So why do you care? Well I think it deserves more attention/recognition than I believe it currenlty has. At one point in time, it was only discussed as beneficial for veterans with PTSD after seeing horrible things during combat, but now it has been proven to be helpful for a multitude of things such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, you name it.

There are 8 phases of EMDR, but don’t let anyone freak you out. Mostly its getting to know your history, what you are really working on, making sure you have ‘safe’ places to go internally and then zoom through the trauma to reframe the identified limiting belief and lessen the impact on your nervous system, meanwhile you might gain a ton of new insights. And knowing what we do now about neuroplasticity and the ability to build new neural networks (so cool) - the more new insight, the more opportunity for different ways of thinking/behaving and ultimately aka evolving. Woohoo!


Trauma and the Nervous System


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